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Honest, loving and tall is how she describes herself and we agree – meet model, creative and original Weft muse, Samantha McIntyre.

Can you describe yourself in 3 words?

Honest, loving and tall.

Where do you call home?

The Gold Coast, Australia is where I grew up but my heart belongs to Melbourne so... both?

Where do you live now and what do you love most about where you’re living?

Melbourne – it's a place where every corner is alive. Whether with architecture & art, gardens, the locals – it's a very diverting city.


What does your typical day usually consist of?

Currently? I wake up, late in the morning, fix my cats breakfast and myself a coffee. Maybe a morning cartoon whilst I sip my coffee. Then food and getting to work on my creative projects. Maybe a stretch in the sun on the patio with a book. Before the world went topsy turvy, I’d be working 9-5 in retail and I do miss that but I'm incredibly grateful for the time at home and the opportunities it’s presented to me.


How have you been spending your days in isolation? 

Rather productively actually. Don’t get me wrong, I've also been taking plenty of time to physically relax which I'm lucky enough to do. But I'll spend most of my time painting or on my pottery desk and movies or a book at hand if I need a break.


What inspires you and why? 

Films, IG, friends, daydreaming. It’s nice to get caught up in thoughts whilst watching a film or chatting with a friend. It lets your mind capture something you might not have thought of without this one conversation or image.


What is your greatest accomplishment? 

Acknowledging my depression and seeking help before it was too late. Trying to stop the stigma around anxiety and depression by being as open and honest as I can. My family has done a complete 360 on recognising it as a disease and not just something you’ve made up. It’s been a big journey.


Drink of choice?

Water, coffee, vino. In that order.


How would you describe your personal style?

Ever dependant on my daily mood.


Do you have a favourite Weft piece and why?

I love the Suited Silk Shirt from your first collection. It goes with everything! New season, I’m loving the Smith Shirt or Ithica Wrap Dress.


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